Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Ham and Cheese Burrito Crepes - Mmmmm. Yum.

      Hey there Lady Killer. I just wanted to update you on the inaugural recipe for BachelorGrubb. This is for those times when you're in Grubb mode and don't give two shits what you eat.


BachelorGrubb - Ham and Cheese Burrito Crepes!
The tighter you roll it the better!

Ham and Cheese Burrito Crepes

Tastes Like: The textural taste explosion of the flour tortilla and melted cheese alone is even better for a quicker way to go. Toss on those two sandwich slices of smoked ham or turkey and your mind will be blown.

Time out of your life: 
30 secs. - 2 mins. (Depends on how fast you feel like moving and how quick you chow it down.)

Get it done! Son!

  1. Toss a tortilla in the microwave.
    • [Class it Up, brah] - Use a plate; chicks like that. Or, if you want to make it look like you don't care too much, use a paper towel. It's good to get into the habit.
  2. Throw some Shredded Cheese on that shit.
  3. Toss on your Two Ham Slices.
  4. Hit the microwave for 15-20 secs. (Depending on the wattage of your.. blah blah blah and so on)
  5. Roll it up.
  6. Eat it.

Change it up! 

      • Get a bag of pre-mixed salad greens (next to the fresh vegetables at the grocery store) and throw some greenery in it before you roll it up.
      • Do the same thing, but use your stove-top and a cooking pan.
        • Extra care should be taken to not burn your fingers, tongs are recommended but never necessary.
          1. Turn your stove on high and let the pan heat up for like 30 seconds.
          2. Toss your tortilla on it.
          3. Flip it around for like 10 or 15 seconds.
          4. Quickly sprinkle on the cheese and place the ham slices.
          5. Wait for cheese to begin to melt and then immediately remove from heat.
          6. Roll it up and eat it.
      • Instead of smoked, try honey ham instead!

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